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64 Paquette Rd
St. Albans Vt. 05478
United States


Piano tuning, repair, sales and, restoration/rebuilding service. Tuning  pianos throughout the Burlington Vt area as well as Franklin Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties of Vermont

Pianos for Restoration

We have many top quality grand and upright pianos available for restoration. including baldwin,  bechstein, bluthner, bosendorfer, chickering, ivers & pond, Knabe, Mason & hamlin, and Steinway.


1890s Rosewood Knabe art case Grand 6'4"

1890s Steinway upright vertigrand

     A brand new and complete Wessel Nickel & Gross composite action replacement is available for this piano and would turn this beauty into a serious performer. Comparable to a 6.5-7 foot grand this piano is a beast and weighs 900+ pounds. They just don't make them like this any more.

1880s Sohmer 6'6"